Monday, October 11, 2010

Hazzardous Universe Art Update

I submitted three concepts for the cover of The Hazzardous Universe today.  I'm anxious to get feedback from Covenant and to start painting.  Julie and I are still on track for release in early February 2011.  The book is going through final edits while I'm working on the cover art, 39 full-page illustrations, and numerous spot illustrations.  The next couple of months are going to be busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Hazzardous Universe Update

I've been looking forward to today for a couple of months . . . actually years.  This afternoon, I'm heading to Covenant Communications to meet with the designers to discuss the cover art for Hazzardous Universe.  After that, Julie and I are meeting with our editor, Kirk Shaw, to discuss the interior illustrations.  Then it's draw, draw, draw in order to wrap up the book for a February 2011 publication.